Stop Driving With Your Phone On Your Lap. Just Use This Phone Mount for $13.

Save 50% on a car suction cup phone holder to use while you drive.

Car Suction Cup Phone Holder | $13 | Amazon
Car Suction Cup Phone Holder | $13 | Amazon
Photo: Amazon

Car Suction Cup Phone Holder | $13 | Amazon

Okay, so you’re driving somewhere you haven’t been t before and you’re punching in that address into Waze. Your phone is sitting on your lap. Every minute or so, you look down, then up, then down, then up. Your eyes are off the road. Now you had to stop short to avoid bumping the car in front of you. Your phone slides off your thigh onto the floor under the pedal. Don’t you dare think about leaning down to pick it up while still driving. You could have avoided all of this by just mounting your phone. This suction cup phone holder is just $13 and sticks right onto your windshield so your GPS can just stay in your periphery while you drive. Do yourself and everyone else on the road a favor.