I think it must be an evolutionary trait, but as humans, we can pretty much all agree that soft materials are good. They’re cozy and warm and comforting, hence why we swaddle our offspring in soft blankets at birth, instead of, I don’t know, cacti.
Thus, it seems that my boss, Shep McAllister, is in fact not a human at all, because he, along with deals researcher Corey Foster, hates sherpa material.
This information came to light because I foolishly asked my colleagues if I should buy this delightful-looking sherpa duvet cover from Urban Outfitters. Both Shep and Corey reacted with visceral disgust at the suggestion. Can you imagine!

Not only does Shep hate sherpa. He also is “suspect of fleece,” and while he claims that “some fleece is fine,” he can’t seem to describe any type of acceptable fleece! This, to me, is an affront to all soft fabric, and stuffed animals, and denim/sherpa jackets, and Patagonia pullovers, and homemade fleece blankets, etc.

In summary, I am beside myself. Is hatred of sherpa fabric a widespread phenomenon? Help us determine truth: Please comment below if you, too, despise the comfort of sherpa material, or feel free to comment simply if you believe Shep to be insane. Thank you.