Digimon Digivice Virtual Pet - Translucent Green | $18 | Amazon
Digimon Digivice Virtual Pet - Blue | $18 | Amazon
Digimon Digivice Virtual Pet - Yellow | $19 | Amazon
Ahh, Tamagotchis. Every time I see something about them, I’m taken back to a simpler time... a time where I lacked the basic skills to keep one of these bastard alive. Traumatizing events of waking up to see my Tamagotchi dead, a little angel on the screen, sometimes hiding the little electronic because I’d be so ashamed... anyway. A few versions of the Digimon Digivice are on a discount (specifically, the blue, yellow, and translucent green versions), so if you want to relive some of those nostalgic memories, now is your chance.
What makes the Digivices stand out from other Tamagotchis is that you can link two together and duke it out with friends. So if you need someone else to share this experience with, you can grab an extra for a few bucks off and enjoy the fun of raising literal pocked monsters together.