Niburu Sport Ping Pong Set | $38 | Amazon
No shade to T.S. Eliot, but February is the cruelest month. I don’t think I need to elaborate on why, but I also couldn’t do it any better than this masterful midwest newscaster anyway. The point is, everyone is just about at their limit this time of year (which is only six weeks into the calendar year, oof) and could all use a little more joy. My recommendation? The Niburu Sport Ping Pong Set, which is 15% off at Amazon right now. For $38, you get four paddles, six balls, and a portable, retractable net that can make any table at home into a ping pong arena. That’s probably enough equipment to give the whole family something to do! At least it’s something different, right? Just make sure to have a consensus on the proper serve technique before you get started.