iPrimio Extra Soft Anti Fatigue Mat | $39 | Amazon
I’m all about bringing more comfort into my life, so this iPrimio Extra Soft Anti Fatigue Mat seems like a no brainer. Growing up we had a similar mat in the kitchen in front of the sink, and standing on it while doing the dishes just feels a little more *luxurious* than it would otherwise. Not just for the kitchen, this one inch mat is perfect for anywhere you stand regularly, such as a standing desk. Besides comforting, the mat is also designed for stability, so your body is supported over time in places you regularly stand. It’s also made for easy cleaning, and can be wiped down and cleaned with just hot water and soap. At the end of a long day, feeling like you’re standing on a cloud instead of hard wood or carpet is a welcome sensation.
This article was originally published by Miranda Martin on 4/15/22 and updated with new information on 5/10/22.