Well, I’m furious with Mr. Clean.
You know? I thought he and I had a relationship. I thought I was special. Like, we Cleans need to stick together! But noooooo apparently I don’t merit so much as an email to let me know that he has a new product on the market. I had to find out about these new Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sheets by discovering them in the cleaning products aisle of my local market, like a common hussy.
But, such is my devotion to you that I put aside this cruel betrayal and bought the Sheets so that I could bring you this review, unbiased by my broken heart.
You guys, I kind of love the Sheets.
The main difference between the Sheets and the OG Eraser is in the shape/size (duh).
The Sheets are thinner — I would say about a quarter of the thickness of the Eraser. That makes them ideal for 1. smaller jobs that don’t require a full Eraser (a scuffed wall here, a slightly stained countertop there) or 2. for jobs that require you to get into a small space, like the weird tight corners in a refrigerator, for example.
The Sheets operate in the same way as the Erasers: You’ll get it wet, squeeze out the excess water and rub the sheet on the stained surface. It will disintegrate in the same way a pencil eraser does and, in the case of the Sheets, because they’re thinner than the Eraser that disintegration will happen faster than with the Eraser.
I used the Sheets on my bathroom vanity, which is painted and which frequently shows scuffs from when I put my hairdryer down and makeup stains from my grubby makeup putting-on-ing paws. As with the Eraser, the Sheet took all those little blemishes out but unlike the Eraser, I wasn’t left with a half-used Eraser that I had to stash back under the bathroom sink for the next scuff-and-grubby-paw-stain removal sesh.
So! That’s what I have to say about that. I like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sheets very much despite the fact that they are a constant reminder that men will let you down at every possible opportunity.