It doesn’t feel like it should be true that using an energy efficient dishwasher is a more environmentally friendly choice than doing dishes by hand, but it is true. Of course, not everyone has a dishwasher, and even in homes with one, there will still be some dishes that need to be washed by hand. One way to make dish-doing a little more earth-friendly is to choose a less impactful dish soap. Here are some actually good ones to try out.
Seventh Generation Dish Liquid

The Seventh Generation dish soap is made from plant-based ingredients, contains no fragrances, dyes, phosphates or triclosan, and is both EPA and USDA certified. More importantly: It’s really good dish soap.
ECOS Dishmate

Viscosity can often be lost in more eco-friendly dish soaps, but if you prefer a thicker formula, ECOS Dishmate is the stuff you want. It’s fragrance- and dye-free — and as a related aside, when in doubt regarding green product choices, always go for a free and clear formula.

While it’s best to choose a scent- and dye-free dish soap in the pursuit of going greener, scented products don’t need to come entirely off the table. Puracy’s Green Tea+Lime dish soap is sulfate-free, biodegradable and it smells honestly amazing.
Clorox GreenWorks

Clorox isn’t generally associated with eco-friendly cleaning products, but their GreenWorks brand actually is, well, green. The dishwashing liquid is endorsed by the Sierra Club and carries an EPA certification for safer chemistry.
Dr. Bronner’s

Now I know you know I couldn’t let you leave here without, once again, singing unto you the praises of our beloved Dr. Bronner’s. It’s important to remember that Dr. Bronner’s is concentrated and needs to be diluted with water in various ratios for its many uses (laundry, dish-doing, dog-washing, etc.) Here’s their handy Dilutions Cheat Sheet!